Not known Details About Child Custody Lawyer Greensboro Nc

Child Custody Lawyer Greensboro NC

States decide parenting time and child custody based on the best interests of their child. The court believes things like which parent gets the bond with the child, if either parent has a substantial record or substance abuse issues and whether each parent has a residence that is stable.

If the parents agree, family lawyers present the proof to the court about the childs best interests. This might involve introducing testimony of a psychologist or substance abuse counselor school records, criminal records and medical records. Family lawyers work to gather evidence of these things. They need to consider the rules of signs that are applicable in the authority.

Custody is who physically cheap family lawyer near me gets the kid at any particular time. Legal custody spanish divorce lawyer near me is who makes major decisions about the child. Legal custody and physical custody can be shared between the parties, or the best custody lawyer court might award primary custody to one of those parents. Its possible to share 1 without even sharing another, sort of custody.

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